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 NEWS: Macaronnage Tours

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4 participants
Simon C
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Simon C

Nombre de messages : 245
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2011

NEWS: Macaronnage Tours Empty
MessageSujet: NEWS: Macaronnage Tours   NEWS: Macaronnage Tours EmptyJeu 25 Juil 2013 - 13:56

On Thursday, July 18, 2013, a diploma ceremony for air crew, fighter pilots (French and Belgian) and combat systems navigation officers took place at the Tours Air Base (BA705).
Air Force Brigadier-General Néret, commander of the Air Force fighter wing, presided over the event.

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The ceremony officially marks their successful completion of the eight-month pilot training program on the Alphajet at the Tours fighter pilot training school.
This cosmopolitan school trains fighter crews, including future pilots and navigators, at the controls of French and foreign Air Force and Naval Aviation aircraft.
After the saluting of the flag, the review of the troops, and a medal presentation ceremony, came a traditional awarding of diplomas, known as macaronnage (decorating).
Twelve French Air Force officers and six Belgian Air Component officers received their fighter pilot diploma. Three combat systems navigation officers, including one woman, also received their badges.
Five cadet officers were also awarded their dagger, a symbol of their accession to the Air Force officer corps.

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The families, military authorities and local elected officials in attendance were treated to a parade of ground troops as well as a flyover by three Alphajets and listened to a speech by Brigadier-General Néret.
Then, in the traditional end to this momentous day, the macaronnage evening party took place, with a Bell & Ross Aviation watch to be won.

These officers had achieved part of their dream by becoming Air Force air crew, a first step towards an aeronautical career in an active squadron.

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We wish them fair winds and fine flying!

ALL photographs J. Piquet© Armée de l'air
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Membre très actif

Nombre de messages : 245
Date d'inscription : 12/09/2011

NEWS: Macaronnage Tours Empty
MessageSujet: Re: NEWS: Macaronnage Tours   NEWS: Macaronnage Tours EmptyJeu 25 Juil 2013 - 20:42

j'ose espérer que les pilotes de transport prochainement macaronnés ne seront pas comme d'habitude les oubliés de ce genre d'évènement!
il n'y a pas que la chasse dans l'Armée de l'Air, loin de là !
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Puits de connaissances

Nombre de messages : 4512
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2010

NEWS: Macaronnage Tours Empty
MessageSujet: Re: NEWS: Macaronnage Tours   NEWS: Macaronnage Tours EmptySam 27 Juil 2013 - 22:03

Spitfire a écrit:
j'ose espérer que les pilotes de transport prochainement macaronnés ne seront pas comme d'habitude les oubliés de ce genre d'évènement!
il n'y a pas que la chasse dans l'Armée de l'Air, loin de là !


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Membre Actif

Nombre de messages : 89
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 05/11/2011

NEWS: Macaronnage Tours Empty
MessageSujet: Re: NEWS: Macaronnage Tours   NEWS: Macaronnage Tours EmptyJeu 22 Aoû 2013 - 13:16

Et oui, on a tendance à oublier que les pilotes de transport ne sont pas seulement ce qui n'ont pas réussi la chasse ! C'est un metier aussi riche et passionnant !

Great pictures Simon ! You were so lucky to have been there !
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NEWS: Macaronnage Tours
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