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 Favre-Leuba: la collection Mercury

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Date d'inscription : 05/05/2005

Favre-Leuba: la collection Mercury Empty
MessageSujet: Favre-Leuba: la collection Mercury   Favre-Leuba: la collection Mercury EmptyLun 19 Mar 2007, 11:13

Favre-Leuba: The Mercury collection

Citation :
Inspired by two unique events

Mercury, the name given to the new Favre-Leuba collection, is inspired by two unique events – the birth of the Favre Manufacture in Le Locle in 1737 and the eclipse of the planet Mercury by Venus in the same year. This event of rare celestial splendour was a fitting celebration for the launch of brand destined to prosper and flourish over more than 300 years.

Favre-Leuba: la collection Mercury Art_favreleuba_07_0319_mercury_01
FL-301 Mercury Chronograph

Favre-Leuba: la collection Mercury Art_favreleuba_07_0319_mercury_02
FL-302 Mercury Big Date

Favre-Leuba: la collection Mercury Art_favreleuba_07_0319_mercury_03
FL-303 Mercury Power Reserve

Unique features :
Innovative Bidirectional Crown Locking System (B/CLS) developed by Favre-Leuba.
worldwide-exclusive “Embedded Running Indicator” (ERI)

Contraria contrariis curantur. (Les contraires se guérissent par les contraires).
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Favre-Leuba: la collection Mercury
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