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 Girard Perregeaux WW.TC

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2007

Girard Perregeaux WW.TC Empty
MessageSujet: Girard Perregeaux WW.TC   Girard Perregeaux WW.TC EmptyMar 10 Juil 2007 - 8:34


Am new on this site and probably a freshman among all watch lovers.
Since many years I have been very interested in watches, especially the more technical brands and "Worldtimer models".

One of these is the WW.TC from Girard Perregeaux.
I was wondering if everyone who owns this watch is happy in general about mechanics, maintenance,...

Since I am still young (28years) I havse saved some time in orderr to purchase and invest in a a watch.
Recently I have been in contact with a person willing to sell his Girard Perregeaux WW.TC
However before purchase, as this is my first main purchase, I would like to know from experts, if watch, selling purpose,... is ligitimed.

I truly hope that some of you out there could help me out.
You can always mail me personal at for further, highly appreciated information.

Best regards,
Alex Meyvaert
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Membre référent

Nombre de messages : 8715
Localisation : Brüsel
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2005

Girard Perregeaux WW.TC Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Girard Perregeaux WW.TC   Girard Perregeaux WW.TC EmptyMar 10 Juil 2007 - 8:48

Hello Alex,

Unfortunately you're on a french speaking forum and I don't know if many of us can answer you in english of if it will be commonly accepted. Girard-Perregaux watches are famous but I'm affraid we have only few owners in our community and, I'm 99% sure, none owns a WW.TC. English forums like or have dedicated brand forums for GP and are, I think, the best place to ask your questions.

Best Regards,

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Nombre de messages : 1119
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2007

Girard Perregeaux WW.TC Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Girard Perregeaux WW.TC   Girard Perregeaux WW.TC EmptyMar 10 Juil 2007 - 14:29

Hello Alex,

Welcome to this forum.

As Nicolas said, I've nerver heard any testimonial from an owner in these pages.

Have you been to the shop to wear it?

You should go on the brand forum from timezone.

Best regards.
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Girard Perregeaux WW.TC
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