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 HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution

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Bruno Brazil
6 participants
Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 57505
Date d'inscription : 05/05/2005

HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution Empty
MessageSujet: HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution   HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution EmptyLun 21 Aoû 2006 - 21:49

HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution Art_ht_06_0821_art_01

HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution Hautlence1

Citation :
Hautlence, a relatively new high-end watch brand based in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, has secured US distribution through John Simonian and Westime. Simonian also distributes Richard Mille, HD3, Michel Jordi and Urwerk in the US, among others.

The distribution plan for the USA is to be very exclusive, focusing on a select group of retailers. "Our goal for sales in the USA is about 100 - 150 pieces a year," Renaud De Retz, CEO of Hautlence, explains. "We have three or four retailers in the USA right now and we cannot deliver a lot of pieces. The few pieces we have delivered have already been sold."

De Retz and his friend, COO of Hautlence Guillaume Tetu, started Hautlence, which is an anagram of Neuchâtel, to manufacture and distribute the pair's innovative approach to timekeeping. The goal of the company is to make interesting watches that tell time in different ways.

"We were fed up with the lack of innovation in the watch industry," Tetu explains. "We decided to try something and we began to work on brainstorming new watches. We came up with some ideas and started discussing movements and new ways of reading the time. We were not thinking of building a new brand.

"However, the product we came up with was so different we couldn't go to another brand," Tetu continues. "We wanted to do it ourselves. We didn't want to make any compromises. Our products are so special, many people told us they wouldn't work, but we believed in the concept. People told us we were too crazy, too young, didn't know anything about watches."
Every watch has a three-year warranty and Hautlence offers a free full service at three years. This way, Hautlence can get every watch back, add oil, check it and make sure everything is running correctly. In the future, Hautlence plans to have service centres in its key markets. "We won't have hundreds of people who will be wearing the watch, so we need our customers to be our ambassadors," Tetu acknowledges. "We have to have customers who will say nice things about our watch. We have to have great customer service

Contraria contrariis curantur. (Les contraires se guérissent par les contraires).
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MessageSujet: Re: HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution   HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution EmptyLun 21 Aoû 2006 - 21:55

certainement l'une de mes futures montres,superbe! à moins que le prix ne soit trop dissuasif... yeux
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Bruno Brazil

Nombre de messages : 786
Age : 52
Localisation : Loir et Cher
Date d'inscription : 12/10/2005

HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution   HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution EmptyLun 21 Aoû 2006 - 22:17

dissuasif est le bon mot...

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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 57505
Date d'inscription : 05/05/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution   HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution EmptyLun 21 Aoû 2006 - 22:31

Ces montres sont d'une qualité absolument superbe . J'ai eu l'occasion d'en voir et la finition est irréprochable pour des concepts originaux Impec

Contraria contrariis curantur. (Les contraires se guérissent par les contraires).
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Animateur Chevronné

Nombre de messages : 1265
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 19/02/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution   HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution EmptyLun 21 Aoû 2006 - 22:39

Le site est très réussi :
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Nombre de messages : 807
Localisation : La Réunion...
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2006

HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution   HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution EmptyLun 21 Aoû 2006 - 23:51

pour la (petite) info, le nom a été choisi par anagramme de Neuchatel....

en fait, y'avait aussi TACHENULE, mais ça sonnait un peu moins bien et ils se sont dit : bof. clown

...montre originale ceci dit Impec
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loupe à l'oeil
Puits de connaissances
loupe à l'oeil

Nombre de messages : 4272
Age : 59
Localisation : Cambrousse
Date d'inscription : 21/02/2006

HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution   HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution EmptyMar 22 Aoû 2006 - 2:16

J'aime bien le coté pont , original et sympa à regarder Impec ! Par contre coté cadran , c'est Beyrouth , trop de chantier à mon gout !
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HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution   HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution EmptyMar 22 Aoû 2006 - 6:55

euuuuh aaahhh que je plaisantais! elle ne serais jamais sur ma liste d'achat.
si je ne doit un jour tomber dans une vrais montre ,non pas celle qui donne l'heure! l'autre en 36mm,ce sera autre chose... mock
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Membre référent

Nombre de messages : 5738
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2005

HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution   HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution EmptyMar 22 Aoû 2006 - 8:12

J'aime beaucoup les affichages originaux, donc j'adore cette montre !

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HAUTLENCE: HAUTLENCE secures US distribution
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