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 Jaeger-LeCoultre announces partnership with La Aguada

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Nombre de messages : 20568
Age : 46
Localisation : Suisse.... c'est bête de mettre son département en pseudo, quand on déménage ça fout tout en vrac :D :D
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008

Jaeger-LeCoultre announces partnership with La Aguada Empty
MessageSujet: Jaeger-LeCoultre announces partnership with La Aguada   Jaeger-LeCoultre announces partnership with La Aguada EmptyLun 10 Oct 2011 - 18:36

Jaeger-LeCoultre and the World of Polo: The 2011 Argentine Triple Crown Season

The Triple Crown Tournament of Argentina, one of the most spectacular and long-awaited polo moments of the year, is coming up. During the 2011 Season, Jaeger-LeCoultre will support the Reverso ambassador Eduardo Novillo Astrada Jr. and his team La Aguada.

Jaeger-LeCoultre in Argentina
No watch can claim to be closer to the world of polo than Jaeger-LeCoultre’s Reverso. The one and only truly polo watch in the world, the Reverso became the first watch to be dedicated to a hobby, sacrificing neither elegance to efficiency, nor vice versa.
80 years after the birth of the Reverso, Jaeger-LeCoultre confirms its strong links to the polo world as a partner of the famous La Aguada Polo Team and takes part in “The Triple Crown”, the major polo championship tournament in Argentina.
“The Triple Crown” of polo in Argentina includes three championships - the Tortugas Open, Hurlingham Open and Palermo Open (Argentine Open Polo Championship) that will see the world’s best polo players, such as La Aguada’s players: Eduardo Novillo Astrada Jr., Miguel (captain of the team), Javier, and Ignacio Novillo Astrada.
Reverso was designed in 1931 upon the request of British players in the Indian Army, who had had enough of having their watches shattered during their games. The famous reversible case was invented to protect the dial and the glass, exposing the metal back to possible shocks.
Along with saluting its 80th anniversary by introducing new Reversos, it goes without saying that the Manufacture Jaeger-LeCoultre supports the most important event in the polo world : the Argentinian “Triple Crown”.

Jaeger-LeCoultre has become an official sponsor of La Aguada Polo Team and La Aguada PoloClub this year, and Eduardo Novillo Astrada Jr. is Jaeger-LeCoultre global ambassador since 2006.

About La Aguada Polo Club and La Aguada Polo Team
La Aguada Polo Club was born in 1959, in Córdoba, as an initiative of Julio “Yayo” Novillo Astrada, a fan of both polo and polo breeding, and grand father of Eduardo Jr., Miguel, Javier, Ignacio and Alejandro –that plays in another polo team- Novillo Astrada, players of La Aguada Polo Team. Early in the 70’s he bought some fields. Today, La Aguada is a Polo Clinic and a Resort of about 300 hectares, with 250 horses in training, 5 polo fields and 2 tacking fields. It is here that La Aguada Polo Team train and take care of their horses.
After various tournaments played as La Aguada, the Novillo Astrada brothers won “The Triple Crown” of Argentina in 2003 by winning the Tortugas Open, Hurlingham Open and Palermo Open in the same season. This provoked admiration in worldwide polo considering they had become the 4th team in polo history to win it and the only team composed by brothers, constant candidates and animators in each high goal season of Argentina.

La Aguada BMW, because of its Title Sponsor “BMW” since 2010, is a prestigious brand, not only in polo but also in general sports. Satandard bank and Jaeger-LeCoultre are Official Sponsors; and, La Martina, Río Uruguay Seguros and Park Tower, Official Suppliers.

La Aguada Polo Team’s titles and statistics

2003-2010 statistics
Matches played: 78.
Matches won: 52 // Matches lost: 26 // Efectivity: 67%.

Titles as La Aguada
Tortugas Open (2003 and 2004).
Hurlingham Open (2003 and 2008).
Palermo Open (2003).
Triple Crown (2003).

Runner-up as La Aguada
Tortugas Open (2006 and 2008).
Hurlingham Open (2006 and 2009).
Palermo Open (2006).

Individual titles
Copa Potrillos (1987, 1988 and 1989), Copa República Argentina (1990), Copa Santa Paula
(1991 and 1992), Copa de la Reina UK (1996), Copa Charro Mexicano (1997), Pahan Classic
Malasia (1997), Campeonato Abierto Argentino Juvenil (1996 y 1997), Gold Cup UK (1996 and
2002), Copa CV Whitney EEUU (1998 and 2003), Abierto de La Cañada (1996, 1998 and
2003), Torneo Masters de Palermo (2003), Sterling Cup UK (2003), Copa Warwickshire UK
(2004 and 2005), Copa de Bronce Sotogrande (2003 and 2005), Copa de Plata Sotogrande
(2003), Copa de Oro Ellerstina (2007) and US Open (2006 y 2008).
Main countries where they have played
Argentina, USA, England, Switzerland, Spain and Australia.

For more information, please visit

Jaeger-LeCoultre announces partnership with La Aguada 1dad2810

Jaeger-LeCoultre announces partnership with La Aguada 3b325910

Jaeger-LeCoultre announces partnership with La Aguada Eduard10

Jaeger-LeCoultre announces partnership with La Aguada La_agu10

Jaeger-LeCoultre announces partnership with La Aguada Marsup10
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