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 Je chercher Swatch Diaphane One Turning Gold

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2007

Je chercher Swatch Diaphane One Turning Gold Empty
MessageSujet: Je chercher Swatch Diaphane One Turning Gold   Je chercher Swatch Diaphane One Turning Gold EmptyVen 13 Avr 2007, 10:55 am

Excuse moi as I cannot speak french. I would like to buy a Swatch Diaphane One Turning Gold as I would love adding it to my collection.

Do you know any shop I may find it?

Its very luxury and exclusive Swatch watch, only 100 units worldwide and the price is over 5200 euros.

Could you help me with that issue?

Thanks a lot,

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Nombre de messages : 1119
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2007

Je chercher Swatch Diaphane One Turning Gold Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Je chercher Swatch Diaphane One Turning Gold   Je chercher Swatch Diaphane One Turning Gold EmptyVen 13 Avr 2007, 1:55 pm

The 100 units are probably sold out but you can try to contact the swatch store in Paris (vendôme square: "place Vendôme" in french).

I saw recently the "normal" Diaphane one in the Geneva train station (Swatch store).

You'll find easily the details of the stores on the Swatch website.

Best regards.
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Permanent passionné

Nombre de messages : 2455
Age : 43
Localisation : charleville
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2006

Je chercher Swatch Diaphane One Turning Gold Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Je chercher Swatch Diaphane One Turning Gold   Je chercher Swatch Diaphane One Turning Gold EmptyVen 13 Avr 2007, 2:00 pm

arnagemulliner a écrit:
The 100 units are probably sold out but you can try to contact the swatch store in Paris (vendôme square: "place Vendôme" in french).

I saw recently the "normal" Diaphane one in the Geneva train station (Swatch store).

You'll find easily the details of the stores on the Swatch website.

Best regards.

This watch was sold in only two shops: paris vendome and milan.

I have been to swatch vendome two month ago. They still have 10 units price 3200 €.
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Je chercher Swatch Diaphane One Turning Gold Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Je chercher Swatch Diaphane One Turning Gold   Je chercher Swatch Diaphane One Turning Gold EmptyVen 13 Avr 2007, 2:17 pm

Swatch Store

16 Place Vendôme
75001 Paris
(33) 1 42 97 20 00

Å Je chercher Swatch Diaphane One Turning Gold Trinque_
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Je chercher Swatch Diaphane One Turning Gold
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