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 G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir

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5 participants

Nombre de messages : 3
Localisation : Herve ( Belgique)
Date d'inscription : 21/02/2016

G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  Empty
MessageSujet: G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir    G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  EmptyLun 22 Fév 2016 - 21:21

Hello les passionnés ....   j'aimerais acheter une G-SHOCK pour élargir ma petite collection de montres ... Je précise que je suis un tout petit collectionneur au budget serré. J'aime les montres aux poignets et non dans une vitrine.

Je suis maintenant devant un fameux dilemme ! Quel modèle choisir dans un budget de 200 euro max.

Mudmaster .... Gulfmaster .... Gravitymaster ....  Ces modèles sont hors budget mais je comprends leurs spécificités.

Par contre, ou je suis perdu c'est dans les différents modèles plus basique .. Il y a un tel choix  que je m'y perds... Comment se retrouver la dedans ... A part les différentes couleurs ....

qui peut m'aider !

Merci merci bravohap
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Nombre de messages : 3
Localisation : Herve ( Belgique)
Date d'inscription : 21/02/2016

G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  Empty
MessageSujet: je m'auto répond !    G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  EmptyLun 22 Fév 2016 - 22:19

je viens de trouver réponse sur un forum us ....

[3 most common and long running]
DW - a historical designation that indicates a digital watch with high water resistance, but without any solar recharging/atomic sync functionality (e.g. DW-5600C).
GW - the watch is usually equipped with atomic sync functionality called "Waveceptor" (and always includes solar recharging). Only exception noted is the GW-2xx Frogman series which is solar but without Waveceptor.
G - this single letter is commonly used to imply just "basic G-Shock" (e.g. G-7900, G-8900), but it is sometimes used to indicate solar recharging without "Waveceptor" atomic sync (e.g. G-6900 vs. GW-6900, G-5600 vs. GW-5600, G-2310 vs. GW-2310).

[the rest]
AW - Analog water resist.
AWG - Analog Waveceptor.
GA - large format G-Shock with analog display and sometimes digital as well.
GAC - large format G-Shock chronograph with analog display and multiple sub dials.
GD - large format G-Shock with all digital display.
GD-X - new larger format, the first of which has enlarged the 6900.
GDF - twin sensor G-Shock, featuring altimeter, barometer, and thermometer. "F" may mean "field", implying outdoor use.
GL - means the "G-Lide" series, targeted to surfers and snowboarders. Most incarnations have moon phase and tide graph.
GLS - a version of G-lide with special cosmetic variations (leather bands, special dial treatment, etc).
GLX - an expansion to the G-Lide series.
GRX - "Ride Extreme" series (solar recharging equipped).
GS - the GIEZ series, which is like an analog metal MTG but with screwback case; "essence of G" (with Waveceptor).
GW-A - the all analog aviator series. This is the newer designation, as previous aviators appeared as GW-2500, GW-3000, GW-3500, and GW-4000. The GW-2500 and GW-3500 are analog-digital models. Most have Waveceptor.
GX - The first "extreme" sized models, like the GX-56 affectionately dubbed the "King" by CASIO enthusiasts.
GXW - The same as GX with atomic sync functionality included.
MTG - The "metal twisted" line, which involves the use of much metal around the casing and a metal bracelet.
MRG - The "Mr. G" top of the line models, usually with analog-digital displays and made of titanium. There was series of vintage models that were all digital.

Series Groupings:

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2300 -- Frequently overshadowed by the ever iconic 5600 and 6900 series, the G-2300 appeared in 2001 and has been the longest running solar recharged CASIO watch model. The GW-2310 later appeared with atomic sync (Waveceptor). It has undergone many cosmetic variations (including straps, outer bezel, inner bezel, positive-negative display, and LCD background) and several different model numbers (2300 and 2310 are the most prevalent). It had one notable module update that eliminated the full year on time display and dispensed with telememo, but improved readability and battery life.

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5000 -- Often recognized as the 5600 series, because the original 5000 had been retired long ago and only anniversary re-issues appear from time to time (e.g. DW-5025, DW-5030C). This is the small square form factor that echoes the design of the original DW-5000. It's essentially the smallest G-Shock made. The DW-5600E is the quintessential affordable G-Shock with basic functionality. The GW-5600 introduced solar recharging and Waveceptor functionality (the G-5600 is solar only) . There is even a G-Lide series made on the 5600 that includes moon phase and tide graph. The official top of the line model is the GW-5000, which has a nearly black DLC coating over the casing and back. There have been over 125 model variations made in the DW-5600 model line alone. Be sure to check out these articles as well:

   DW-5600 - The First Nine Versions
   5600 Models Compared
   Review and Psychology of the GW-5000
   GW-T5030C Arrival & Interesting Info

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6900 -- The second most iconic of the G-Shock models. This one has been revisited with the most collaborations of any other G-Shock model (meaning a celebrity, brand, designer or design house is involved in the appearance). It is also well known to be worn by law enforcement and military personnel, so frequently there are military themed versions created. There have been nearly 200 model variations made in the DW-6900 model line alone.

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7900 -- This is a series that has a very bold presence in the G-Shock line-up, although a number of variants were eventually discontinued. It has been known as the "Rescue" G-Shock, equipped with big easy-to-press buttons (even with gloves on), which included moon phase, tide graph, dual stopwatches, and low temp LCD display (on non-solar version). Unlike other G-Shock models, the Waveceptor version on this line has a prominent visual distinction of 4 faux metal "screws" at the bezel corners instead of the plastic plugs on the standard version.

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8900 -- Recently released "XL" extra large sized G-Shock with basic functionality, with or without solar/atomic. Accompanies the GA|GD-1xx series.

Master of G:
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These are G-Shock models that were designed for certain outdoor activities in mind, although they're certainly not limited to them. Some models are offered with or without solar/atomic functionality. Historically, CASIO came up with the "Master of G" product line title long after the "[name]-man" naming theme was already in use, starting in 1985 with the first Mudman (DW-5500C). It may have already been in use internally but the prominent marketing campaign for "Master of G" appeared sometime in the late 1990's. In 1993, the first Frogman appeared, which was later followed by the Fisherman (which became the Gulfman) and Riseman. Six "Master of G" models have since been retired. There was a nearly 13 year gap before a new Master of G model appeared, with the Rangeman announced for 2013.

Model Numbering [prefix: DW, G, GW]
Gulfman: 9700, 9100, 9125, 9110
Mudman: 8400, 9000, 9010, 9025, 9300, 9330
Riseman: 9100, 9200, 9230
Frogman: 6300, 8200, 8230, 8250, 9900, 200, 225, 1000, T1000, T1030

Gulfman - equipped with a titanium back plate for frequent water exposure; most come with moon phase and tide graph.
Mudman - outfitted with a single piece bezel that covers the buttons, for maximum mud resistance. Later model comes equipped with thermometer, moon phase, and compass.
Riseman - equipped with altimeter, barometer, and thermometer, to support elevated "rising" activities.
Rangeman - latest Master of G model that comes fully equipped with altimeter, barometer, thermometer and compass.
Frogman - designed for SCUBA diving activities, despite the lack of a depth indicator, with either stainless steel or all titanium case.

Antman - the first atomic sync G-Shock.
Fisherman - first model to provide moon phase, tide graph, sunrise/sunset, and moonrise/moonset data.
Gaussman - first to provide significant magnetic resistance.
Lungman - first to provide pulse sensing, along with temperature.
Raysman - first model with solar recharging, also equipped with yacht timing functionality.
Wademan - first model with electronic compass.

G-Lide: [GL, GLS, GLX, GRX]
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These are designed with surfing or snowboarding activities in mind ("gliding" with a board over water or snow). Most models come with moon phase and tide graph along with standard functions, in addition to a wide range of extreme color choices. For a time these were made as their own unique model casing designs (like GL-110 and GL-150), but eventually they came to be incorporated into existing models like the 2300, 2500, 2900, 5500, 5600, 5700, 6900/7900, and 8900.

Sensor equipped:
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Some models come equipped with sensors for collecting thermal, barometric, and directional data. For a long while, all that was offered was the Riseman with altimeter and barometer. Eventually, thermal data was added to the Riseman. The "GDF" later appeared, probably as a cheaper alternative to the "Master of G" Riseman, with the same altimeter, barometer and thermometer functions. Next a Mudman was released, equipped with a thermometer and compass, in addition to moon phase (but no alti/baro). Finally, the Rangeman was made that puts the bulk of ABC functionality into one watch (altimeter, barometer, thermometer, and compass).

   GDF - "F" for "field" or "function" [altimeter, barometer, thermometer]
   G(W)-9200 Riseman [altimeter, barometer, thermometer]
   G(W)-9300 Mudman [thermometer, compass]
   GW-9400 Rangeman [altimeter, barometer, thermometer, compass]
   GA-1000 Aviator analog [thermometer, compass]

Sky Cockpit (Aviator):[GA-1xxx, GW-A1xxx, GW-2500, GW-3000, GW-3500, GW-4000]
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These models all feature analog hands for hours/minutes/seconds, and mostly analog indicators for other information. Some models also feature digital displays for data such as day/date and timers. Some earlier models have a smaller form factor but the later models are quite large and bold looking. A few special editions have been created, like an RAF collaboration. The top of the line model comes with an anti-reflective coated sapphire crystal. All models feature a stop watch. Some models come equipped with countdown timer, usually limited to 1 or 2 hours. The "GW" series includes the Waveceptor feature while the "GA" does not, yet the "GA" offers additional functionality like compass and thermometer.

Military, Police, Fire:
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These are certain models that were recognized to have a rather strong embracing by members of military, police, and fire fighting organizations around the world. Despite some fashion concepts suggesting a military theme, the real practicality comes down to the watch. Most G-Shock watches did not start out with CASIO seeking for them to be identified with such use, which speaks strongly about the inherent quality and reliability CASIO puts into their watches. The more prominent ones that have been frequently acknowledged as being worn extensively by military, police, and fire fighting personnel are: DW-003, DW-6600, DW-6900, and DW-9000. The Mudman series is also known to be favored by the military (e.g. DW-8400 and G-9000).

Extra Large:
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With the fairly recent trend of watch size growth, it was only natural for CASIO to capitalize on it along with the crowd, but in their own way. CASIO has made the largest sized production LCD digital watches ever (thus far). The GX-56/GWX-56 "King", GD-100/150, and GA-100/150 made their respective appearances in 2010, followed by the GA-110 in 2011, GWX-8900 and GAC-100 in 2012 and GD-X6900 in 2013. The GD-350 released in 2013 brought back the vibration feature that had been lost with the retiring of the G-7510. Of course, there are other watches considered large in the CASIO line-up like the later model Frogman and Mudman, as well as the new Rangeman.
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Nombre de messages : 1120
Age : 51
Localisation : Lorraine
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2014

G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir    G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  EmptyLun 22 Fév 2016 - 22:28

Dans les basiques comme tu dis, premièrement il faut que tu saches si tu veux une Digitale ou une analogique ou un mix des deux. Ensuite est ce que tu souhaite qu'elle soit solaire et "atomique" pour le reste c'est l'aspect esthétique qui fera la différence et là seul toi peut répondre.
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Nombre de messages : 3
Localisation : Herve ( Belgique)
Date d'inscription : 21/02/2016

G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir    G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  EmptyLun 22 Fév 2016 - 23:16

Merci Rikmov. Apres lecture de ma reponse ! J'ai compris ... D'un premier tri j'aime le prix digital et analogique .... Reste plus qu' à trouvé le modèle ....

Un site de vente de prédilection pour les g Shock ....?
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Nombre de messages : 1120
Age : 51
Localisation : Lorraine
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2014

G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir    G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  EmptyMar 23 Fév 2016 - 1:21

J'aime bien shopping in japan, il y a aussi seya japan. Attention il faut rajouter les frais de douane en plus du prix.
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G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir    G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  EmptyMar 23 Fév 2016 - 7:57

Une petite de la série 5600, elles sont plus sobres que leurs consœurs je trouve et moins imposantes.

horademoda en europe en vends une flopée aussi.
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Nombre de messages : 1562
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 05/04/2012

G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir    G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  EmptyMar 23 Fév 2016 - 9:05

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Membre très actif

Nombre de messages : 216
Date d'inscription : 20/10/2014

G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir    G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  EmptyLun 29 Fév 2016 - 18:50

Pour des raisons historiques je préfère les G-Shock carrées, 100% numériques (LCD).
Et puis les pièces mobiles ça reste une source de panne supplémentaire.
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Membre Actif

Nombre de messages : 128
Localisation : Lyon ou Corse
Date d'inscription : 24/09/2015

G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir    G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  EmptyLun 29 Fév 2016 - 19:02

lincruste a écrit:
Pour des raisons historiques je préfère les G-Shock carrées, 100% numériques (LCD).
Et puis les pièces mobiles ça reste une source de panne supplémentaire.

C'est la voix de la raison, mais pourtant que les mud et autres gravity master font envie. mock
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Membre très actif

Nombre de messages : 216
Date d'inscription : 20/10/2014

G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir    G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir  EmptyLun 29 Fév 2016 - 19:24

Je te comprends, depuis que j'ai vu le paquet d'options dont ils ont bardé la dernière Gulfmaster je suis tenté aussi. C'est une épreuve de volonté.
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G SHOCK .... Mais que choisir
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