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 Article en anglais...

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Nombre de messages : 109
Age : 30
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Date d'inscription : 23/10/2014

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MessageSujet: Article en anglais...   Article en anglais... EmptyMer 15 Fév - 13:09

Article très intéressant à propos des mouvements In house :

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Watch collectors (despite at times being possessed of geek-depth level of research and knowledge) is often prone to the same psychological quirks as any other average consumer. “In-house” is often just like any other criteria used to quantify a desirable, sometimes deeply technical object into a handful of easily digested criteria; e.g. Japanese Domestic Model Seiko, from the Glashutte region, hand-finished, etc; these perspectives allow us to objectify a watch with quantifiable attributes and sometimes to our own detriment – because, given our propensity for over-simplification, when it comes to in house and everything in between, are collectors asking to be lied to?

The Watchmaking Spectrum: In House and Everything in Between

When it comes to the topic of manufacture movements and what qualifies a component as in-house, the definitions are often as murky as the issue of determining what percentage of a watch must be made in Switzerland before it can be qualified as “Swiss-made”. Collectors are asking to be lied to because we do not see an ETA movement and celebrate a robust, modestly priced workhorse movement. We see a movement which everyone and their mother owns. We want exclusivity.

To be fair, the TAG Heuer Calibre 17 is chronometer specced or COSC certified. Your standard ETA 2892-2 isn’t COSC certified.
This need for exclusivity is something which turns a great ETA 2894 chronograph into a TAG Heuer Calibre 17 with the switch of the oscillating weight and some finishing. Full disclosure: TAG Heuer has never claimed the Calibre 17 to be in-house but from the way it’s named, it looks that way doesn’t it?

But wait, [...]

La suite à lire ici


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Par son affichage francophone, le site entend également préserver la langue française tant que faire se peut

Oui, il y a beaucoup d'articles intéressants en anglais chaque jour... Mais non.
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Puits de connaissances

Nombre de messages : 4328
Age : 35
Localisation : Germany
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2011

Article en anglais... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Article en anglais...   Article en anglais... EmptyMer 15 Fév - 16:10

Intéressant en effet. Cela relativise pas mal la notion "in-house" sans pour autan donner d'opinion sur une éventuelle définition.
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