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 lettre au manufacture.

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lettre au manufacture. Empty
MessageSujet: lettre au manufacture.   lettre au manufacture. Empty4/10/2006, 15:50

Mohamed a trouvé ca sur un site de marché gris asiatique...

"Dear manufacturers,
if you are reading this. Please ponder on your planning, your product lifecycle is too short & prices has bloated so much over the last 5years, many buyers are finding it confusing & tired of seemingly unlimited limited editions. Yes, new money is found in new worlds but the masses of economies are struggling to stay in black & the disposable income growth is not matching the growth in retail.
Then, to outdo each other, almost every conceivable mechanical & artistic idea has been put into production which is great for horology & the consumers but ultimately critical for survival. Only a handful of them have stayed true to original form & function which is to tell time reliably and not succumbed to fashion disaster. Fashionable watches are discarded like clothes because you don't wear a winter wear in spring & many times the winter wear is still left new, unsold with your retailers who's having a tough time. Unless, we want watches to be the ultimate fashionable icon then they would have little value left when the season changes, not exactly a good idea if we're buying it for "investment".
After sales service has also deteriorated. In a rush to produce the latest in shortest period of time, some have compensated in quality which usually takes several months to rectify because somebody is having a Summer holiday & not exactly a joy for the new owner who paid 4/5 digits for it, interest loss. Now, don't get too defensive. Think about it. Our survival depends on you & we are clearing the last season's so your new season sells."

A votre avis quelles marques vise-t-il ? Wink

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