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 Le renouveau de Yantar !?

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3 participants
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Nombre de messages : 2519
Localisation : Grenoble
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2005

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MessageSujet: Le renouveau de Yantar !?   Le renouveau de Yantar !? Empty2008-05-03, 14:07

Une annonce qui m'avait échappée !
Le redémarrage de la marque disparue, il y a quelques années (2004,), Yantar; spécialisée dans les montres "nautiques & avioniques"
Une bonne nouvelle pour les aficionados Fier 2


Citation :
AirNautic™️ Watch Company

March 25, 2008

It is our pleasure to announce that we have started a new company in association with Roland Keller, the original designer of Yantar Watches. AirNautic™️ Watch Company continues the Yantar philosophy of watch design using day and night as the elemental parameters of the perception of time.

The course of the sun determines our regeneration phases and influences the biological processes of all life forms on our planet. In extreme conditions under water, in space, in the labyrinth of a cave system, or in a polar night, the holistic information on time can save lives. Being able to easily and instantly read this information at a glance is part of the philosophy and design concept of the new AirNautic™️ Watch Company.

Three watches will be released in August, 2008. The AirNautic™️ AN-24 Pilot continues the evolution of the Yantar AirNautic™️ III. The AN-24 Submarine is a similar concept using monochromatic tones over a fully luminous dial, perfect for low light environments. The AN-24GMT offers a 12 hour time function with a prominent, independently adjustable 24 hour GMT hand.

All three models will be Swiss made, using several of Yantar’s original Swiss manufacturers. The case size will increase from 41mm to 43mm, and it will be available in brushed stainless and DLC coated finishes. The pictures are original Yantar designs. Updated drawings will be posted as they become available.

AirNautic™️ watches will initially be offered on the Internet, with retail sales beginning in late 2009.

Mitchell Feig

Le renouveau de Yantar !? Protoy10
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Membre très actif

Nombre de messages : 286
Date d'inscription : 10/02/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Le renouveau de Yantar !?   Le renouveau de Yantar !? Empty2008-05-03, 15:06

tres hublotien comme bracelet Ziad
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Membre éminent.

Nombre de messages : 23529
Localisation : Socialie , pays enchanté de la spoliation légale
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Le renouveau de Yantar !?   Le renouveau de Yantar !? Empty2008-05-03, 16:06

YOUPI affraid affraid affraid
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Le renouveau de Yantar !?
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